Best hair transplant surgeon in Delhi – Find out the best method for hair transplant

hair transplant surgery

Hair transplantation is a surgical modality for the treatment of androgen tic alopecia.[1] Hair follicles in the occipital scalp are harvested and then planted on to the frontal scalp, and less often to the vertex. There are two methods of harvesting the follicles from the occipital scalp. In the first method, also called follicular unit transplantation (FUT), a strip is harvested from the occipital scalp, whereas in the second method individual follicular units are harvested. The latter is called follicular unit extraction (FUE)

The problem of hair loss has affected millions of people. There is no doubt that hair loss or baldness can affect the self-confidence and self-esteem of a person. Alopecia, also known as hair loss, is a common problem affecting both women and men. There are several reasons which can trigger this problem, namely medical treatments, stress, genes and diseases. While some of these factors can be either reversed or are temporarily, there are many people who suffer from the problem of permanent hair loss. This is when consulting the best hair transplant surgeon Delhi can help you regain hair growth.

It is often that most people wonder about hair transplant procedure. There are different methods and techniques involved in hair transplantation procedure on the area that is thinning or balding. Irrespective of the hair transplant method chosen, hair follicles are moved from one region to the grafted area of the body. Usually, head is the donor site.

In hair transplant surgery in Delhi, the hair transplant surgeon uses local anesthesia in both the recipient and donor areas. In some cases, IV or oral sedation is also added. It is only in rare cases that general anesthesia is administered. The donor region is removed surgically and the scar gets hidden by the existing hair. Then the removed scalp will be further divided into hundreds, maybe thousands of tiny segments, each comprising a single or several hairs. These small pieces of scalp will then be transplanted into the thinning or bald areas on your head.

There is a relatively less common procedure which involves moving hair as a flap of scalp skin that comprises of hundreds of hair follicles. The flap is then repositioned into the affected or area having hair loss thus replacing the bald scalp. Minimizing trauma and maintaining the integrity of the scalp is integral to this surgery and is tedious and challenging. The duration of the procedure lasts between two to eight hours.

If you have been recommended scalp reduction surgery for treating hair loss then look for a surgeon having expertise in it. You can learn about the Scalp Reduction Surgery Cost in India by consulting a surgeon.

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